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[CMP v1] How do I increase my compliance score (overall rating)?

[CMP v1] Improve your compliance score with actionable steps such as configuring cookie blocking, ensuring data transfer to adequate countries, enabling website consent banner & more
Andrew Sidorkin
Updated 11 months ago

In case your “Overall rating” under the “Report” tab is not high enough – the first step would be checking the “Recommended actions for GDPR on” as it gives you the high-level overview of the required steps.

Check the items marked with the red X icon – these are the actionables to work on. Let's examine them on-by-one:

  • “Configure blocking on Y cookies”

This usually means that some cookies are not blocked – please ensure the setup is correct on your website otherwise follow the steps in the guide specific to your technology stack here –

In case the setup is correct, but some services are not being blocked – please proceed with this guide on blocking a particular cookie/service here.

  • “Personal data is transmitted to 'adequate countries”

The report shows if all the countries the cookie sends data to are deemed adequate or not by the European Commission. 

Please recheck the official communication on the European Commission website regarding the  International transfers here 

and regarding the Adequacy decisions (How the EU determines if a non-EU country has an adequate level of data protection) here.

  • “Enable Cookie Consent Banner on the website”

A cookie banner is a pop-up that appears when a visitor comes to a website. Websites use cookies to collect data from visitors. Cookie banners serve two purposes: to let visitors know that their data is being collected and will be used for certain purposes, and to get their consent to use the data. More on this is covered in our Knowledge Base here. Please also note that the configuration of the cookie banner depends on the compliance module. This is how quickly enable cookie banner - 

  • “Add Preference center to display services on the website”

All the privacy-related documentation is located in the preference center, thus offering your visitors a one-place-to-go for their privacy needs, make it easy to find the information they are looking for, understand it and help to build the trust in your brand. For your business – it is essentially the same one-place-to-manage your privacy compliance documentation. Please note that the Preference center is configurable separately per each compliance module - 

  • “Enable Privacy Policy on the website.”

A privacy policy is vital as it protects website owners and customers alike, while also ensuring that your website complies with legal obligations and explains your data-handling practices to your visitors. Below is how you can enable Privacy Policy in your account -  

  • “Enable SSL”

Websites need SSL certificates to keep user data secure, verify ownership of the website, prevent attackers from creating a fake version of the site, and convey trust to users. Consult with your website administrator or domain services provider on how to obtain an SSL certificate.

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