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Customizing Secure Privacy Cookie Banners with CSS

Secure Privacy allows for some level of customization through CSS to match your website's design.
Aditya Kulkarni
Updated 2 months ago
Customizing Banner Appearance:
  • Within the Banner:
    • You can find the custom CSS field under the banner preview on the design page.
    • This CSS will be applied within the banner's iframe, allowing you to style elements inside the banner itself (e.g., padding, text colors, button styles).
  • Styling the Banner Wrapper (Outer):
    • To style the outer container of the banner (e.g., position, shadows, margins), use the following syntax:
      /* Your CSS code for the outer wrapper goes here */
    • This code will be inserted directly into your website's HTML, allowing you to style the banner's outer container.
Important Note:
  • Exercise Caution: CSS applied within the /*SP-OUTER-START*/ and /*SP-OUTER-END*/ tags can potentially affect the appearance of other elements on your website. 
  • Test thoroughly before implementing any changes.
Need More Help?

If you have any questions or require further assistance with CSS customization, please contact our support team at

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