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How to install Secure Privacy on Wix

Secure Privacy can be installed on the Wix website builder (only possible for sites with a connected domain). Use "custom code" widget to install Scure Privacy
Andrew Sidorkin
Updated 5 months ago

Note: Only possible for sites with a connected domain.

Adding Secure Privacy to your WIX site

  1. Click here to go to your WIX dashboard.

  2. Click on Manage Website in the side menu.

  3. Go to the Tracking & Analytics section of Site Manager.

  4. Click + New Tool and select Custom from the drop-down menu.

  5. Paste your Secure Privacy installation code (<script> tag) into the custom code.

  6. Select the relevant domain.
    Note: This option will appear only if you have multiple domains.

  7. Enter the name of the custom code (“Secure Privacy”, for example).

  8. Add Code to Pages: Select All pages   Load code on each new page to add your code.

  9. Place Code in Select  "Head"


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