Secure Privacy Support Center

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Installation & Quickstart

Installation of Secure Privacy Script on a New Domain

Learn how to install the Secure Privacy script on a new domain. Follow guide to add the script after the <head> tag of the webpage, share it with your team

A Guide to Scanning Your Website for Regulatory Compliance

Learn how to effectively monitor your domain's compliance with our step-by-step guide on using the Scan Reports, History, and Settings features. Ensure a user-friendly and highly compliant website.

Introducing Secure Privacy's Streamlined Onboarding: A Quick Walkthrough

Get started with Secure Privacy faster than ever with our improved onboarding process.

How to install Secure Privacy with Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Secure Privacy can be easily deployed via Google Tag Manager. Prerequisites: a GTM account, a website container in GTM and the snippet added to your website

Understanding of Payments & Billing History Management

A guide to navigating the Payments and Billing History page on your dashboard. Learn how to update your payment method, view past invoices details and more.

Scan Report Settings in Secure Privacy

Learn how to configure the Scan Report settings in Secure Privacy. Customize the scan location, frequency, email delivery options to comply with requirements

Managing Domain Settings in Secure Privacy

Learn how to configure and customize domain settings in Secure Privacy, including domain details, design options, blocking preferences, and template selection.

How to Edit Your Account Settings in Secure Privacy

Learn how to edit your account settings in Secure Privacy to keep company information updated. Follow step-by-step guide to ensure accurate account information.

Managing Users in Secure Privacy: Adding, Editing, and Deleting Team Members

Learn how to effectively manage user accounts in Secure Privacy, including adding new members, modifying roles, changing domain admins, and deleting users.

Enabling Cross-Domain Consent in Secure Privacy for Improved User Experience

Learn what cross-domain consent is, when it can be useful, and how to set it up in Secure Privacy - the seamless user experience to consent across websites.

How to classify cookies and services for a domain?

Master the use of the domain-level Classification page to configure cookies, pixels, iframes, and services to suit your business needs, using this guide.